Our list of libraries consist primarily of original historical documents, mostly, though not wholy, pertaining to American history and the study of American culture. Those of note will be so marked: " .


" American Authors / Literary Movements
Created by Donna M. Campbell of Gonzaga University, the site offers full text versions of works by major American authors as well as a timeline, an index of literary movements - not limited to American literature - and an impressive list of literature-on-line links. Beginning with English 310 across the top, follow the course links to Campbell's brief, but cogent synopses of literary, religious and philosophical developments in thought and literature.
" American Literature on the Web
Extensive list of American literature from Akihito Ishikawa of the Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies. (Go to the browse link under "American Literature Resources".)
American Studies at the University of Virginia
An important, though abbreviated, list of 18th, 19th and early 20th century literature.
American Thoughts and Thinkers
A very brief but interesting list from the Department of American Studies at Charles University, Prague.
American Verse Project
From the University of Michigan's Humanities Text Initiative.
The Core Historical Literature of Agriculture
Books and journals from 1800 to 1979, from Cornell University.
" Documenting the American South
From the University of North Carolina, the site includes several collections, including southern literature, first person narrratives, slave narratives, the Civil War, and black churches.
" Wright American Fiction
A superb collection of American fiction dating from 1851 to 1875 - 3,000 texts from 1500 authors - from the University of Indiana.


Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts
From Infomotions, Inc. a list of English, American and ancient literature. Includes some contemporary woks.
Bartleby is seemingly a library - reference, fiction, non-fiction, poetry - of whatever is in the public domain. It includes, for example, the entire Harvard Classics, Bartlett's Quotations, Roget's Thesaurus, Gray's Anatomy, Strunk's Elements of Style, the Oxford Shakespeare and the King James Bible. It is definately a look-there-first site.
A fair selection of fiction, poetry and short stories, mostly British but some American, with study guides. Its reference section includes Simond's History of American Literature.
The Bralyn Archives
A fair selection of fiction, poetry and short stories, mostly British but some American, with study guides. Its reference section includes Simond's History of American Literature.
The Cambridge History of English and American Literature
From Bartleby (see above), the Cambridge essays are wide-ranging, but a bit recondite and somewhat thin. Still, a good tutorial on the major and minor thoroughfares of American literature.
A Celebration of Women Writers
Covers all centuries, from Mary Mark Ockerbloom of the University of Pennsylvania.
Includes some American fiction and poetry.
Coradella Collegiate Bookshelf
Includes American fiction and poetry.
" Digital Book Index
Exceptionally large meta-index of titles from a wide range of internet sources. There is a search function, and browsing is made with a detailed and ficused subject index.
Great Books Index
The same, including some American, in html format.
Historical Text Archive
A somewhat quirky collection of books and articles. The Online Literature Library
A short list of books and authors.
O.k., its all British, but the site - ranging from Medieval to 17th century poetry and literature - is so felicitously arranged, complete and attractive that we couldn't resist. Besides, it really is a part of our heritage.
" The Online Books Page
From John Mark Ockerbloom of the University of Pennsylvania an almost limitless index of the famous and obscure.The OBP also provides extensive links to other text resources.
Online Books Project Texts
Scholarly secondary resources on every topic, with some primary works interspersed. From Columbia University and the Mellon Foundation.
The Online Library of Liberty
Over 1,000 titles covering all areas and eras in attractive and easy to read pdf format. From the Liberty Fund.
Penn State University Electronic Classics Series
Texts are in pdf format. Put on your sunglasses.
" Project Gutenberg
The oldest and one of the largest collections on the internet.
" The Universal Library
Carnegie Mellon's project included several libraries, of which the Thousand Book Project and the Making of America Collection are of particular interest.
University of Adelaide Library
An impressive, if not exhaustive, library of fiction and non-fiction from Homer to Fitzgerald. Clear and easy to use, it's a very good place to start a search for literature. It also generously provides links to other online libraries.
Wordtheque Multilingual Library
The good news is 4,500 works in English (and a plethora of other tongues if you understand them). The bad news is a cramped, hard-to-read format.